Day: June 5, 2023

  • Laser Hair Removal On Face: Procedure And Cost In India


    laser hair removal on the face: Such is the trend of facial beauty that laser facial hair removal has gained immense popularity. A variety of hair removal options are now on the rise, which is 100% safe with effective long-term results. The laser removes unwanted hair in a fraction of a second You’ll want to…

  • Utthita Parsvakonasana Yoga and Parsvottanasana Yoga


    Utthita Parsvakonasana Yoga: Strengthen the body parts by stretching them, Utthita Parsvkonasana is also called Extended Side Angle Pose, this asana is made up of three words. E.g. Uthita means raised, Parsva means right-left part of the chest and Angana means corner. This asana helps to stretch the parts of the body that are not…