Utthita Parsvakonasana Yoga and Parsvottanasana Yoga
Utthita Parsvakonasana Yoga: Strengthen the body parts by stretching them, Utthita Parsvkonasana is also called Extended Side Angle Pose, this asana is made up of three words. E.g. Uthita means raised, Parsva means right-left part of the chest and Angana means corner. This asana helps to stretch the parts of the body that are not usually wide. Doing Utthita Parsvakonasana daily increases stamina, as well as provides medical relief from constipation, infertility, osteoporosis, sciatica, and menstrual discomfort. This is a kind of standing pose. Let us know in today’s article how to do Utthita Parsvakonasana Yoga and its amazing benefits and precautions to be taken while doing this asana. Through 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, you can learn yoga and get complete information about yoga.

Method of Uttita Parsvakonasana:
- First of all, stand in the position of Tadasana on the asana.
- After this, take a breath in, and make some distance between the legs.
- Now bend your left foot 10 to 20 degrees inwards and turn the right foot 90 degrees outwards, simultaneously aligning the right heel with the left heel.
- Now slowly raise your hands, this has to be done till your hand comes in the line of your shoulder.
- After this, keep your left heel firmly on the ground, and bend the right knee.
- Bend until the knee comes directly above the ankle.
- Then while exhaling, turn your torso to the right.
- Keep in mind that the torso should come down in line with the right leg. Remember to bend your hips at the joints.
- Then place your right hand on the floor as per your capacity, out of the right foot.
- Remember that your head and right leg should be in a straight line.
- After this, extend your left hand forward towards the ceiling. In the end, your left arm and leg should be in a straight line.
- Then raise your head upwards so that you can see the fingers of your left hand.
- Breathe in and out 5 times, and remain in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Gradually increasing the capacity, you can do it for 90 seconds but do not do more than this.
- After breathing 5 times, you can come out of this posture, and while coming out of the posture, straighten the head.
- Straighten the left arm, also straighten the torso, and bring the legs inwards.
- Then finish the position of Tadasana, in this way one cycle is completed.
- Then do it by changing legs also.
Benefits of Uttit Parsvakonasana:
- By doing this asana regularly, the digestive system improves.
- Utthita Parsvakonasana brings stretch to the knees, ankles, and feet and also strengthens them.
- There is also good stretching in the chest, spine, waist, and shoulders by doing Utthita Parsvakonasana.
Pay attention:-
Doing this asana in the morning gives good benefits, but if you want, you can do it in the evening as well. But keep in mind that there should be a gap of a few hours between your last meal and exercise.
Parsvottanasana Yoga – Helps relax the mind by removing stress
Parsvottanasana is made up of three words. Parshwa, Ut, and Tan. Parshwa means edge, it means more and tan means a stretch. This asana is also called Intense Side Stretch Pose in English. It is also popularly known as Pyramid Pose because it looks like a pyramid. By doing Parsvottanasana, the spine becomes flexible and balance comes into the body. Also, this asana stimulates the digestive system and calms the mind. Parsvottanasana asana massages the internal organs and strengthens the legs. It also stimulates the reproductive organs and reduces the symptoms of menstruation and menopause. So let’s know how to do Parsvottanasana Yoga and its other benefits.

Parsvottanasana Yoga: Know the method, benefits, and precautions of this asana
Benefits of Parsvottanasana:
- The liver and stomach are massaged by doing Parsvottanasana.
- Regularizing Parsvottanasana calms the mind by relaxing it.
- Parsvottanasana contributes to stimulating the stomach and its organs.
- Regularizing the Parsvottanasana posture, there is a strain in the spine and shoulders.
- Doing this strengthens the legs and improves the balance of the body.
Method of doing Parsvottanasana:
- To do this, first of all, stand in the position of Tadasana. Then join your hands behind the waist in the position of Namaskar. After this, take the mother-in-law inside and open the leg according to your height.
- Bend your left foot 45 to 60 degrees inwards and turn your right foot 90 degrees outward, as well as take your left heel near the right heel and slowly turn your head 90 degrees to the right after doing this head Lean forward.
- Keep in mind that instead of bending from the joints of the back, you should bend from the joints of the hips. According to your capacity, take your head as far as possible to the right foot.
- Breathe in 5 times and then exhale. By doing this, you can stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds. After this, you can gradually increase the time, but keep in mind that it should not be more than 90 seconds.
- After breathing 5 times, you can come out of this posture and inhale bringing your head and back together. Take your hands on the waist and bring the feet in. Afterward, you can finish Tadasana. After doing it on the right side, do this asana on the left side also.
- Don’t push more than your capacity.
- Avoid doing this asana if you are pregnant, or if you have an injury to your hands.
- If you have high blood pressure or back injury, you should do Ardha Parsvottanasana.