Instagram is a mobile application that allows users to instantly take and upload photos and quickly edit them with a unique set of filters and a branded tilt-shift (3D effect) feature that sets them apart from the rest. It’s growing in popularity faster than any other mobile app and is most likely the reason why the person standing in line at Starbucks is taking pictures of the pastry case for no apparent reason. Instagram is addictive and has a nation of iPhone and Android users. And where the public goes, your company should follow.

If you’re the owner of your company and/or the person responsible for branding and social media, you should be privy to 6 reasons why Instagram is perfect for your business:

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1. Instagram is instant

You don’t have to wait until you get back to your home or office to take full advantage of Instagram for branding. Using your iPhone or Android, take a photo, edit, upload, add a comment (don’t forget the #hashtag), and share from your brand’s profile in seconds.

2. No duplicate accounts are needed

Unlike Facebook and Google+, where you must create a long personal profile before setting up a brand page, you can enter Instagram directly as a brand without any consequences. It’s a fairly easy setup process.

3. Everyone has an inner photographer

Many business owners are at a loss when it comes to using social media to grow their customer base, largely because they don’t have a way to get the word out or know how to hone their creative juices for content marketing. But everyone likes to take pictures, and let’s be honest – almost all of us feel like we have some flair behind the camera. While darkroom results often prove otherwise, easy and reliable Instagram edits will actually make you the Herb Ritts of your product/service content marketing.

4. It will make your brand look interesting

That’s the great thing about using Instagram to showcase your product/service. Instagram filters make office supply suppliers, trash removal services, and internet marketers look cool. You can use Instagram to showcase your product/service and even your company culture by capturing candid office moments. Instagram albums give brands personality in a way no other sharing network has yet.

5. Create a location page for your business

The Google Places Directory and the new Google+ Places for Business page have proven the importance of having a physical location attached to your brand’s online presence. Instagram’s integration with Foursquare’s location database allows you to geotag the location from which the photo was taken (i.e. your business location), allowing you to add it to your Instagram location page. If users browse photos by location and see a product of yours in their area that appeals to them, you may have a new customer. If the location is not listed, you can add your business to the Instagram/Foursquare database.

6. It’s easier to get followers

Since you can’t post links on Instagram, the public won’t feel like they’re being bombarded with SPAM when they follow your brand account. If you frequently post interesting images that showcase your product service on Instagram, customers are more likely to follow you there than on any other social network. It will be easier for you to build brand awareness with a larger fan base. You can also get Instagram followers from IGTOK. Because Instagram easily connects with your Facebook and Twitter accounts, it helps these social networks grow for you as well. However, the same rules of social media marketing apply – engage with your customers (comment and “like”) and follow them FIRST. They actually follow back on Instagram.


While it doesn’t provide the connectivity options that many internet marketers obsess over, Instagram is the easiest and most fun social network to share and can be a great tool for developing your business’ brand and personality. gaining brand recognition with your online customer base.

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I am a professional writer at  freelance web developer dubai. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Entertainment, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends click here to go website

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