Almost every child loves to play on playgrounds. However, kids can fall off equipment or get into other trouble. Look for tripping hazards like exposed concrete footings, rocks and tree stumps. Check that areas with younger children do not have equipment higher than eight feet and that older kids have clear sight lines.
When designing a 안전놀이터, it is important to think about every element of the design. While the equipment is important, the ground covering also plays a large role in how safe a playground can be and how much fun it will be for kids to play on. Most playground injuries happen from falls, and the right surface can make all the difference in preventing head trauma. The best playground surfaces are shock-absorbing to cushion falls and keep them from being serious.
Poured rubber, also known as poured-in-place or PIP, is one of the most popular options because it offers great impact attenuation and durability. It can be colored and customized to fit a playground’s theme and design. Engineered wood fiber (EWF) is another option that is budget friendly, but it requires ongoing maintenance and re-fills. It is made from size-controlled softwoods and hardwoods, and it is free of twigs and leaves. It is an environmentally friendly choice, and it is available in a variety of depths to accommodate different critical fall heights.
The equipment used in a safety playground should be inspected regularly for worn, loose, or damaged parts. In addition, playground equipment should be tested for temperatures as a hot or cold weather can cause metal and plastic pieces to become more slippery and pose a greater risk of injury. Playgrounds should have soft ground surfaces under and around all structures to protect children from head injuries if they fall off equipment. Surface materials that are acceptable for use include shredded or recycled rubber, wood mulch, pea gravel, sand and safe rubber mats. In addition, playground surfacing must be at least 12 inches deep and extend 6 feet past the perimeter of all equipment.
Adult supervision is the best way to prevent many playground injuries. It is important that supervisors can see all equipment and monitor the playground so that they can observe children’s activities, intercede if necessary and be available in case of an emergency.
Supervision is a critical component of playground safety. Teachers, day care providers and parents should receive training on how to supervise kids at play, including procedures for injuries and emergencies that may occur outdoors. Teachers and other adults who are assigned playground supervision duty should space themselves so that they have a clear view of the entire playground. This will help them to ensure that all children are accounted for.
If a child is injured on the playground, a trained adult should immediately take them away from the equipment, and close off that area of the playground until further inspection. Injuries can range from scrapes to head trauma, so it’s important to treat them seriously and seek medical help as soon as possible. It’s also important to create a cheat sheet that the playground supervisors can carry with them in case of an emergency. This can help them remember what to do if an injury or other incident occurs while they’re monitoring the kids.
A large percentage of playground injuries are the result of kids playing on equipment that is not age appropriate. Kids need to learn how to play safely and to always ask their parents or guardians before going on new equipment. Kids should also know that jumping off equipment can be dangerous. They should try to land on their feet with their knees slightly bent. They should not wear jewelry or clothing with strings that could get caught on equipment. They should keep backpacks and bags away from the playground.
Most importantly, kids should be reminded to seek teachers’ permission and to remain under their supervision at all times while on the playground. They should also be taught to form a line while entering and exiting equipment so they don’t overcrowd it and risk falls or other accidents. Playworld offers a comprehensive playground safety program that can help schools and daycare facilities implement safe play practices. Contact us today for more information!
Final Thought
A safe playground should have impact-absorbing surfaces like wood chips, sand and shredded rubber that make walking, running and jumping easier for kids. Hard surfaces such as asphalt and concrete cause the most severe injuries from falls. It can be difficult for adults to maintain constant supervision of children on playground equipment. Staying hydrated and avoiding clothing with strings or other items that could catch on equipment are key safety tips.