You recently purchased a new gun. Perhaps this is your first rifle; in that case, congrats! Alternatively, if this is your Nth firearm, may God bless America! What is a better option for my gun, red dot vs. scope, regardless of your previous experience with handling rifles?
Many people question the use of High Voltage Armament and if they should attach a red dot sight or scope to their rifle. What they intend to do with that firearm will determine the response. Will you only use it for close-range shooting as you would for home defense? If so, a red dot is unquestionably the best choice. Or will it be used for short- to medium-range shooting, such as you may do for leisurely target practice at the range or when hunting? If that’s the case, then a scope is highly advised.
Why Is a Red Dot Sight More Effective in Close Range?
A reticle is a marker integrated into an optical instrument that shows the person shooting where their bullet will land. A red dot sight provides the most clear reticle imaginable: a dot. However, green dot sights have also been available. It is often the red dot that is more in use. Green can be easier to see in daylight and uses more battery life, whereas red is better in low light.
Target acquisition is consequently made simpler by the red dot sight’s clear reticle. Its main strength is this. It will let you see where the bullet will land when using a red dot sight, wherever the dot overlaps. In a way, a red dot sight gives you the same data as the iron sights on, say, a factory Glock, with the exception that you don’t have to take much time to align the rear and front sights.
A red dot sight does require you to zero it in. Because it is flat firing and adaptable at various distances within that range, we advise sighting it into 50 yards.
Red Dots’ Advantages Over Scopes
There are several benefits to using red dots. It is compact, lightweight, takes up little room on top of the rifle, is simple to mount, and is simple to zero in. If you want to be well-versed and more aware of your surroundings, then you can use it in conjunction with your iron sights, at several different angles, sans having to account for parallax and with both eyes open. A red dot sight is also well adapted for moving targets, such as the target used in house invasions.
Red Dots Have Drawbacks.
However, there are a few downsides to the red dot sight. The first is minor: If you have astigmatism, it could be difficult for your eye to avoid blurring the lit dot.
The second is important just if you wish to shoot farther away. The red dot sight’s reticle cannot assist you in determining bullet drop, windage, or other factors that may alter your bullet’s trajectory, and it cannot magnify the target without a magnifier.
Why Is a Scope More Effective Over a Red Dot Sight at Long Distances?
With a scope, acquiring a target at close range takes more time than with a red dot sight. Typically, the difference is only a few hundredths of a second. Ask any police officer: a few-tenths of a second can be what stands between life and death in a violent conflict.
However, as your range exceeds 50 yards, the bigger, bulkier optic becomes much more advantageous.
Crosshairs, bullet drop compensation, duplex, German, mil-dot, Christmas tree, and even dot are just a few of the many reticles available on scopes. To aid with precise aiming, some scopes can feature numerous reticles. It is simple to see how a reticle that allows the shooter to gauge bullet drop would be extremely beneficial for long-range shooting.
Red dot sights lack magnification, while scopes also offer it. In essence, a scope gives the illusion that your target is closer when it actually isn’t, which is important. 80X magnification is available in the strongest standard rifle scope currently available on the market. However, even if you aren’t interested in spending a few thousand dollars on a scope, a 3X or 6X scope will still be very useful for shooting targets at 100 yards and beyond.
The Lesson: Scopes vs. Red Dots
The red dot sight is the finest option since it allows for quick target acquisition, which is imminent if you plan to use your rifle for the essential purpose of self-defense because you probably aren’t going to want to shoot targets farther away than 50 yards. However, if you plan to hit targets at distances more than 50 or 100 yards, then a scope’s magnification and a somewhat more complicated reticle are the solutions.