Apricot Oil Benefits: Apricot is a kind of fruit. Along with great taste, it is also considered beneficial for health and skin. Apricot fruit oil is also considered beneficial for skin and hair. Many nutrients and antioxidants are present in apricot oil. Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K, stearic acid, arachidic acid, palmitic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are found in this oil. With the help of apricot oil, it also helps in curing skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis. Vitamin-C and omega 3 fatty acids are also found in apricot oil. Apricot oil is also considered beneficial for controlling the overproduction of oil present in the skin. Apricot oil is beneficial for skin as well as hair. With the help of apricot oil, the problem of hair loss, hair thinning also goes away. 

Apricot Oil For Skin: Benefits And 5 Easy Ways To Use

1. To skin

The benefits of apricot oil can also be visible on the skin. This oil contains essential fatty acids like linoleic and linolenic, which can work to keep the skin healthy, in addition, apricot oil can also help in the treatment of psoriasis (a type of skin problem). For this, the pro-apoptotic effect present in apricot oil is considered helpful.

2. The problem of dark circle goes away-

People whose skin does not have moisture, they have more problems with dark circles. Apricot oil has moisturising properties. To maintain the moisture in the skin, if you apply apricot oil on the dark circles, then you can get rid of this problem soon. To overcome the problem of dark circles, mix apricot oil with almond oil and apply on the skin and leave it overnight. Do this remedy for a month, you will see a better difference.

3. Apricot oil will remove the problem of wrinkles

To overcome the problem of skin ageing, apricot oil can be used. With the help of Vitamin-E present in apricot oil, it helps in removing the problem of wrinkles and loose skin. By applying apricot oil, the skin’s natural sebum provides protection. Just a few drops of apricot oil is enough. You can also apply the oil on the skin by mixing it with your cream or lotion.

4. The problem of dry hair will go away.

Apricot oil, when applied, helps in making the hair soft. In summers, the hair becomes dry due to the heat in the temperature. Hair gets moisture by applying apricot oil. Apricot oil contains linolenic acid which also promotes hair growth. Mix a few drops of apricot kernel oil with coconut oil. Massage this mixture by applying it on the hair. After half an hour, wash the hair with mild shampoo.

5. Scalp infection will be prevented by applying apricot oil-

Vitamin-A is found in apricot oil. Vitamin-A works to make sebum on the scalp. By applying apricot oil, the hair gets moisture and nourishment. Apricot oil is also considered beneficial for keeping the scalp healthy. To apply apricot oil to hair, mix it with shampoo or conditioner. This will also strengthen the hair and also prevent scalp infection.

How to make apricot oil at home?

  • You can easily prepare apricot oil at home.
  • To make apricot oil, the dried seeds of apricot are used. Water will also be needed to make oil.
  • Crack the seeds of the apricots and separate the shell.
  • Then collect the material present inside it in a bowl.
  • Dry the seeds in the sun.
  • Grind the seeds by putting them in a grinder or in a mortar.
  • After making a fine powder of the seeds, add hot water to it.
  • Keep pounding till the smoothness is visible in the powder.
  • When the paste is ready, squeeze it by putting it in a cloth.
  • Squeeze until the oil comes out.
  • Keep the oil in an airtight container.
  • Now store this oil in a glass airtight bottle and use it as needed.
  • Keep in mind that store the oil only in a glass bottle.
  • Apricot oil should be protected from direct sunlight.

Use of apricot oil –

Many people think of using apricot oil, but they do not know how apricot oil can be used. In such a situation, readers can know the use of apricot oil from this part of the article:

how to use

  • Apricot oil can be used for food preparation.
  • This oil can be used for salad dressing.
  • Apricot oil can be applied on the skin.
  • Can be used to apply it on hair.
  • Apricot oil can also be used for joint massage.
  • Adding a few drops of apricot oil to shampoo or conditioner can also be used to strengthen hair.

How much to use:

  • A few drops can be used to apply on the hair and skin.
  • No scientific research is available regarding how much apricot oil should be used for food. In such a situation, contact a dietician to know the correct amount of apricot oil usage.


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