The Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in India, defined drug in simple terms, that it is a substance which mainly alters the body reactions as drugs are the primary usage mainly inside the pharmaceutical industry with a classified prescription. However, if the world would align with the functioning of drugs, it is not over the revolution of witnessing death, which the industry witnesses over 2 million every year, as people do not consume them only for medicinal purposes but also for the creation of fun or release of stress. There are some drugs such as heroin which are taken from the Opium plant, whereas some are created in the laboratory. Therefore, the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai describes the 3 drugs which are legal for intake in the premises of India. They are as follows:

  • Ephedrine: It is taken from the plant Ephedra which is an important component in the Chinese industry. Therefore, as per the older methods which are not financially viable in today’s world, the manufacturer of this industry shifted with a more modern version of it, with using it’s effective effects in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, with effective effects in weight loss and controlling of nauseous as well. However, the cons are also on the list, where the side effects can cause delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, gastrointestinal problems, dry mouth, skin diseases and more.
  • Ketamine: Ketamine is mainly used as the medicinal cause of anaesthesia and is also used to control hallucinations, whereas it is now used in limited doses as there is no reliable ventilator support as well with it. However, researchers are indeed hopeful that it may be a solution for stopping the consumption of heroin and alcohol. It has a unique stimulant of depression; however doctors prefer to use it less as it has been observed that people suffer from dizziness, hypertension, memory problem, nausea, psychomotor retardation and more. However, the most common name of Ketamine is the ‘Date-Rape Drug’, however in India it is not banned as in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashta, people can buy it with license with an amount rate of 30 thousand rupees, whereas in the rest of the country on an illegal note, it is sold at the rate of around 10 lakh rupees, and in abroad too.
  • Methamphetamine: This is known to be the ‘Baap’ of the drugs in the Indian market and is most used by the college students and is used more than heroin and ecstasy due to their market price and illegal sale. This is easily manufactured from ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, as India produces more than 40 metric tons of the latter and is extracted to Germany, Canada, Mexico and the United States. Meth can tus treat the problems of obesity, anxiety, hypertension and hypotension bot, but if overdosed, people can even get a stroke which can cause death.

Address: Survey No, 7, Ashram Rd, Bendipada, Yeoor Hills, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400610

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