This blog post will discuss some steps you can take to find relief from inside knee pain. We will cover tips on improving your range of motion, how to ease inflammation, and what foods and supplements can help. By following these simple tips, you can find the cure for your inside knee pain!
What is Inside Knee Pain?
When you experience inside knee pain, it can be challenging to determine the root of the problem. However, with some detective work, you can find out what is causing your pain and start treatment. Follow these tips to figure out what is wrong and get on the road to recovery:
- Take A Look At Your Physical Condition
Are you currently overweight? Are you obese? If so, this could be contributing to your knee pain. If you carry too much weight around your middle, it will put more stress on your joints throughout your body. When people suffer from obesity or other joint conditions, such as arthritis, their bodies cannot effectively distribute weight evenly. This can lead to tendonitis in the knee. Try to lose some weight if you are struggling with knee pain and see if that helps alleviate the issue. - Diagnose The Issue With Your Doctor
If you don’t think losing weight is the answer for your knee pain, take yourself or your doctor to an x-ray machine and look at your bones and joints. During an x-ray examination of your extremities (knees included), doctors will often look for evidence of arthritis or tendonitis to avoid any early signs of problems before they worsen. - Evaluate Medications And Prescription Drugs
Certain prescription medications may cause joint discomfort or inflammation when taken long-term. Talk to your doctor about whether to accept.
Types of Inside Knee Pain
A few types of inside knee pain can be challenging to diagnose and treat. The most common type of inside knee pain is referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). PFPS is caused by recurring friction on the kneecap due to abnormalities in muscularity or joint morphology around the kneecap. Other causes of inside knee pain include
-Osgood-Schlatter disease is a condition where the tendon that connects your shinbone (tibia) to your upper thigh becomes inflamed. Osgood-Schlatter disease is more common in young boys and can often be treated with icing and rest.
-ACL injury: An ACL injury can also lead to excruciating pain when walking, running, jumping, or squatting. Reproducing these activities too quickly after an ACL tear may cause more damage than not doing them at all.
-Meniscal tears: Meniscus tears are another common source of knee pain and occur when one or more layers of cartilage surround the meniscus tear. These tears can cause significant discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which makes them challenging to diagnose and treat.
Causes of Inside Knee Pain
- Causes of inside knee pain running can vary, but there are some GENERAL causes:
- Improper muscle use and coordination during activity, including incorrect form when running, jumping, or doing other activities that involve large muscle groups around the knee joint.
- Osteoarthritis is when the cartilage cushions the bone within the joint and begins to break down and wear away.
- Tendinitis, inflammation of the tendon which attaches muscle to bone, often referred to as “jumper’s knee.” This is caused by repetitive microtrauma to the tendon.
- Patellofemoral syndrome (PMS), a disorder of excess pressure on one or both quadriceps muscles – located on the front of your thigh – due to forward displacement of the kneecap.
Methods for Treating Inside Knee Pain
There are many different methods for treating inside knee pain, and the treatment plan will depend on the cause and severity of the pain. Depending on the infection, cortisone injections or oral antibiotics may be necessary. Physical therapy can help restore the range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the knee. In cases where surgery is an option, arthroscopic surgery may be recommended to remove fragments of cartilage or bone that are causing the pain.
If you’re experiencing pain in your inside knee, some simple tips may help you find the cure. By following these steps, you can get to the root of the pain and start seeing improvements. If you still experience pain after trying these tips, consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.
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