
Originally released in 1990 as part of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack, Minesweeper has become a staple of computer gaming. For decades, players have been trying to beat the classic game with its iconic 8×8 board and 99 mines. But the game isn’t just about luck—there are techniques that you can use to help you out. In this article, we will explore how to play Minesweeper like a pro. We’ll discuss various strategies and tips that you can use to increase your chances of winning without any luck involved. Read on to find out how you can become a Minesweeper master!

What is Minesweeper?

Assuming you don’t already know, Play Minesweeper that comes pre-installed on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The object of the game is to uncover all of the squares on the board that do not contain mines. Each square that you uncover will tell you how many mines are touching that square. If a square has a number next to it, then there are that many mines touching that square. If there is no number next to the square, then there are no mines touching that square. The game ends when either all of the squares have been uncovered or you uncover a mine.

There are two basic modes of Minesweeper: beginner and expert. In beginner mode, there are 10 mines on the board and the board is 9×9 squares. In expert mode, there are 40 mines on the board and the board is 16×16 squares. There is also a custom mode where you can set the number of mines and the size of the board.

To play Minesweeper, simply left click on a square to uncover it. If you think a square might contain a mine, you can right click on it to flag it. This will put a little flag icon on the square so you can keep track of which ones you think contain mines. Once you’ve flagged all of the squares that you think contain mines, you can left click on an empty square to trigger mine-sweeping mode. In this mode, if you mouse over any flagged squares, it

How Do You Play Minesweeper Correctly?

When playing Minesweeper, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to give yourself the best chance at winning. First, it is important to take your time and think through each move carefully. Rushing into things will only increase your chances of making a mistake and losing the game. Secondly, pay attention to patterns and use them to your advantage. Looking for patterns is a great way to narrow down where the mines are located without having to guess blindly. Finally, don’t be afraid to use the flags! Marking potential mines with flags can give you a huge leg up on the game.

Keep these tips in mind next time you sit down to play Minesweeper and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pro!

Tips for you

1. The first tip is to get to know the gameboard. The gameboard is made up of a grid of squares, with each square containing either a number or a mine. The numbers represent how many mines are adjacent to that square, while the mines themselves are hidden from view.

2. The second tip is to use logic when making moves. Since you can’t see the mines, you’ll need to use deductive reasoning to figure out where they might be hidden. Pay attention to patterns and make educated guesses based on the information you have.

3. The third tip is to be strategic about which squares you click on. If you’re unsure about a square, it’s often best to leave it alone and try another one instead. There’s no sense in taking unnecessary risks!

4. Finally, don’t forget that Minesweeper is just a game! Have fun with it and don’t take things too seriously. If you make a mistake, there’s always next time!


Minesweeper is an enjoyable and challenging game that requires some strategy and a bit of luck. With the tips in this article, you should have all the information you need to become a Minesweeper master in no time. Remember to practice patience, think ahead, and pay attention for patterns as you play; these strategies will undoubtedly improve your game. Good luck and happy playing!

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