Hoverboard type vehicles have become very popular recently. These vehicles can be divided into single-wheel and double-wheeled models . Both models use lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are the best option in terms of both performance and capacity . In addition to being small in volume, they are very powerful batteries.

These batteries, which have an average life of 2 years, lose some of their capacity over time. Then their internal resistance rises and their performance drops. They can be used until they have 80% of their capacity left, but it would be best to replace them when they drop below 80%. This process is done by us at very affordable prices. In the continuation of our content, you can find everything you need to know about hoverboard batteries.

Solving Hoverboard Battery Problems

Hoverboard battery problems can cause the hoverboard to stop working or perform poorly . There are two options for solving these problems: hoverboard repair the battery. Which one is more appropriate may vary depending on the type of problem and battery design.

Repair: If only a few of the battery cells are damage or low, you can repair the battery by opening the battery pack and replacing the damage cells. This process requires some technical knowledge and if done incorrectly, serious damage can occur. If you do not have enough knowledge about it, please consider repairing it through a professional repair service .

Replacement: If the battery cells have deteriorated in large numbers or the battery pack is very old, it may be more appropriate to purchase a completely new battery pack and replace it rather than repairing the battery. This option may be prefer as it is a little easier to replace the battery pack. This process is usually resorted to as a result of the failure of the BMS circuit . As can be expect it will be a slightly more costly option than the other process.

How to Use a Hoverboard Battery?
To make your hoverboard’s battery last longer , you can follow these suggestions:

  • Charge the hoverboard regularly: To prolong the life of your battery, always charge the hoverboard after use and do not completely discharge your battery.
  • Charge your hoverboard correctly: Charge it properly using your hoverboard’s charging cable and charger. Also, wait for the time required to charge the hoverboard.
  • Do not store the hoverboard in hot environments: Batteries stored in hot environments may have a shorter lifespan. Therefore, do not store or use your hoverboard in hot environments.
  • Do not strain your hoverboard: Do not use your hoverboard at extremely high speeds or on extremely high inclines. Such use can reduce battery life.
  • Most Commonly Used Hoverboard Models and Battery
  • hoverboard pili
  • Generally, the batteries of hoverboards are of the same type, but may differ in some models. For this, you must verify your model number before purchasing a suitable battery for your device .

Smart Balance Electric Skateboard Hoverboard Battery

One of the most used brands is the Smart Balance brand. It usually contains 20 lithium-ion batteries and their capacities may vary. Capacity can be increased and range length can be provide according to customer demand . Usually models work with 36V . If there is a battery of the Smart Balance brand.

Citymate Electric Hoverboard Battery

36V battery is generally prefer in Citymate models, which is one of the best brands among both scooter and hoverboards models . If there is a range problem, you can contact us to increase the range. As a result of sharing your current battery information with us, we can offer you the best option.

Kingsong Hoverboard Battery

One of the most remarkable hoverboards Kingsong has a single wheel model. These models still work with 36V like the others, but the mounting styles are different than the others. For this, we can contact us and realize the best design for you.

Segway Hoverberboard Models

Battery repair of Segway brand hoverboard , which is one of the most frequently use models in our country, is also provided by us. By contacting us for all your battery problems, we can offer the most suitable model for you and meet your needs in the best way.

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