Plate exchange in Quintana Roo? If you are looking for how to change your license plates in the state of Quintana in Mexico, keep reading this post.
Plate exchange in Quintana Roo

The exchange of license plates, better known as “replacement”, is a procedure that is carried out year after year in Mexico and whose purpose is to keep vesicular use permits up to date. In a nutshell: Permits so you can drive your car in Mexico.
This type of payment is used to improve the streets of the city, their public lighting, remodeling, repairs, etc.
Previously, this type of procedure was carried out in the corresponding government unit, but absolutely everything was carried out there.
Currently it is no longer so. Currently you can make the “Online Payment” or download your payment form and thereby speed up the process for exchanging plates a bit.
Do you want to know how to pay online? Well, keep reading our “Information Cube” post and of course, you can see the Spanish version here:
Replacement Requirements
Before seeing how to pay online, let’s know a little about the requirements that we need to bring to exchange plates.
- Original identification with copy. It can be your voting card (INE), but if you don’t have it, you can use another identification such as a driver’s license, current passport, professional license, etc.
- Driver’s license. This must be previously valid and if it is not valid, it will need to be renewed or you will not be able to exchange your license plate.
- Proof of Payment. This proof of payment can be made at the collection offices in your city. It should be noted that to expedite the process it can currently be done online.
- Earlier plates. It is necessary on the day of your replacement to take your plates to place the new ones.
- Circulation card of the immediately preceding year. This is the small green card that is delivered and which has the electronic folio number and license plate number, among other information.
Where is the plate change done?
The license plate change is made in the collection departments that are government agencies and depending on where you are, there are 1,2,3 or more offices in your city that you can go to.
Currently each state has its own web portal where you can make (and search for information) the online payment. In this post, we will talk about how the replacement payment is made in the state of Quintana Roo.
However, the steps are very similar for other states of the Mexican Republic. So go directly to the page
Upon entering the page you will have a view similar to the following:

NOTE: We have made the payment online and therefore, this tutorial is 100% real.
That is to say: The payment process was carried out online, later we went to the corresponding office and the proof of payment was delivered with the necessary documentation for the replacement (Cane of plates).
However, following this tutorial to make your payment online, whether you are from the state of Quintana Roo or from any other state, is and will be your own responsibility.
Therefore, we are not responsible in case of falling into Pishing pages or any other type of unofficial government website and which may be a scam. For your understanding, Thank you!
How to pay online for the Plate exchange?
To make the online payment for the license plate exchange in the state of Quintana Roo, you have to go directly to the following website: This web page has today January 17, 2023 the following graphic aspect.

As you can see: There is a gray form that says “Regularize” and which gives us a series of tips before “starting” with the search or rather “Quotation” of the cost that our replacement will have.

Said form asks us for two essential elements to begin the search for your current plate, to know the status and to know the cost that it will have this year. These two elements are: License Plate Number and Electronic Folio.
Where can I see it? The license plate number and the electronic folio can be found on the circulation card.
Once you have your data, the next thing to do is add it to the form and click on the red button that says search.

It should be noted that if the data is misspelled, a window will be displayed indicating that the query has not been successful.

But if you put your data correctly, then a new window will be presented with YOUR NAME. In fact, you did not put this information when searching and precisely for this reason it gives us confidence to continue with the payment process. It is worth mentioning that it presents us with more information regarding what we are going to pay.
If we scroll down like this we will come across the payment information, that is: The banks and references where we can pay. as well as the option to download said file and pay in OXXO stores and even by CODI. However, since we only want to pay online, we pay attention a little further down where it says “Pay online”.

Remember that we want to pay online and therefore, we click on that option.
As a consequence of the above, we will have a new web page where we can choose the type of card (bank) we want to pay with.
Actually, in order not to make it too complicated, choose to pay with a visa or mastercard credit card as we do well.

Subsequently, in the following windows we only have to enter our card data, which are: Credit card, expiration date, security code, name of the card owner, among other data.
If the payment was processed correctly, it must reflect the “online provisional receipt” of payment and which you have to print or save as a PDF to print later at another time.
Finally, once you have the printed voucher, you have to go the next day and present your documentation along with the proof of payment and that’s it: new license plates for your vehicle.
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