
If you’re a teacher, you know how hard it can be to keep your students engaged. The best way to keep them engaged is by using technology to enhance the learning experience. Zoom has a variety of apps that can help engage students in fun ways while they learn.

Get your students motivated and excited about learning with these games! These games will engage and inspire your students, making education fun and interactive. So, choose from the list and get ready to ignite a passion for learning in your students.

These games will help keep your students engaged while they are learning.

Here are some fun games you can play with your students to help keep them engaged and motivated.

  • Memory Game: In this game, one student is chosen to go first. They draw a picture or diagram on the board as they tell you what they need to remember (e.g., “I have three squares and five dots”).
    Everyone takes turns guessing the number written down by the first person. If you guess correctly, you get another turn.
  • if not, then someone else gets their turn instead! This is a great way for students who are struggling with learning new material or who need extra practice in areas where they struggle more often than others!
  • Name Game: In this version of our favorite childhood classic (see [link](, players take turns writing down names from a list of 20 different people until someone guesses correctly without making any mistakes along the way! You could also use this game as part of an exercise once per day where each player writes down ten things about themselves before reading off their answers one at a time so everyone knows what each other wrote down before calling out “your turn!”


Hangman is a classic word guessing game. The object of the game is to guess the word that your opponent has drawn on the board and write it down in your own handwriting.

Play this game in a group of students for the best experience, or enjoy it solo with paper and pencils available at home or school.


Compound word quizzes are a great way to test students’ knowledge of the English language.

Use these games to test students’ knowledge of the English language in context.

This game is based on a similar version developed by Kathy Hess (see here).

Minesweeper is a classic puzzle game that requires players to strategically uncover squares on a grid without detonating any of the hidden mines. In this game, players use logic and deduction to determine which squares are safe to uncover and which ones may contain mines. Squares reveal either a number indicating the number of surrounding mines or a blank space.

Based on this information, players must make strategic decisions on which squares to clear next. The goal of the game is to uncover all the squares without detonating any mines, making Minesweeper a challenging and exciting test of problem-solving skills. Players must stay alert and pay close attention to the numbers revealed on each square, as one incorrect move could mean game over. So, get ready to put your thinking cap on and dive into a thrilling game of Minesweeper!

Flip A Coin!

They offer a quick and easy way to experience the thrill of uncertainty, as players rely on luck and fate to determine the outcome of each turn. Whether it’s the flip of a coin or the roll of a dice, these games test a person’s nerves and showcase the power of luck Each flip or roll takes players on an exciting adventure that can instantly change their fate.So, gather some friends or play solo and embrace the excitement of coin flipping and dice rolling.

Whether it’s the flip of a coin that decides your next move or the roll of a dice that reveals your fate, these games are a test of nerves and a celebration of luck. So grab a coin and a dice, and get ready for an exciting adventure that could change your life in an instant.

In life and death situations, playing a coin flip or dice roll game can become a high-stakes, high-pressure scenario, as the outcome can have significant consequences that could determine one’s survival or fate. The coin flip becomes a tense moment of fate as it tumbles through the air, while the roll of the dice becomes a decisive moment of destiny as it lands on a number that could mean life or death. The uncertainty and randomness of these games add to the drama and tension in such situations, making the outcome even more significant and memorable.

Tick Tac Toe

  • How to play:
  • Set up the game by placing two tokens on a flat surface with equal distances between them. The student who moves first has to place a token in any position on their side of the board that doesn’t already contain an opponent’s token. If they’re unable to do so, they must pass their turn and go again until someone makes a move or three passes without moving at all (depending on how many students are playing).
  • How to set up the board: You can use paper or cardboard pieces as long as there are no holes in them; however, you might want to have some small pieces of wood around for easy access during gameplay.

Playing Minesweeper helps prevent harm to players, especially younger students who may struggle to see the game clearly when playing alone against others. The game’s focus on logic and deduction makes it a safer alternative to other games and helps build important problem-solving skills. By playing Minesweeper, students can enjoy a challenging and exciting game while also staying safe and protected.

  • If this happens though then just tell them politely not move unless someone else tells you otherwise.”


We hope this list has given you plenty of ideas for games to play with your students. It is not just about learning the facts, but also about having fun and being creative. If you have any other great games for the classroom, please feel free to share them with us in the comments below!

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