There are a number of reasons why intimacy may be lacking in your married relationship. It could be that you and your spouse are simply not compatible in that area, or it could be that one or both of you have unresolved issues from previous relationships that are impacting your current sexual relationship. It could also be that the two of you have different levels of desire for intimacy, or different ideas about what is considered intimate behavior. Whatever the reason, if you’re not feeling close to your spouse in an intimate way, it can be a real source of tension and conflict in your marriage.If you’re wanting to improve the level of intimacy in your relationship, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you’re communicating openly with your spouse about your needs and desires. Secondly, try to find ways to connect with your spouse on a non-sexual level; this can help create a stronger bond between the two of you that can lead to increased intimacy. And finally, don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut; a therapist can provide valuable insight and guidance on how to improve your sexual relationship. According to the National Survey, up to 48 percent of marriages fall apart within 20 years. One of those reasons is intimacy problems in marriage. While sex isn’t an important factor in happiness, it can lead to serious relationship issues.

Intimacy plays an important role in the wheel of a successful relationship. When intimacy suffers in the relationship, which leads to a loss of emotion with your spouse. Here are some common reasons why intimacy disappears in your relationship.

1. Stress

Stress may be the reason for a lack of intimacy. It may be hard to believe, but it could impact your partner’s desire for intimacy. Stress can leave men and women feeling exhausted making sleep or other ways of relaxing more appealing. If you want to improve intimacy, you need to slay the culprit – stress. Talk to each other about what causes you and know how you can help lift some of the burdens. For solving sexual issues you can use kamagra jelly.

2. Low Self-esteem

Self-esteem issues aren’t isolated to women. Low self-esteem affects the individual, and also the relationship takes a toll, especially when it comes to physical intimacy. Poor body image issues lead to inhibitions, and ultimately to a sexless marriage. If intimacy is lacking cultivate a habit of appreciating your spouse. Let them know you find them more attractive.

3. Rejection

Rejection can reason for a lack of intimacy. A feeling of rejection if you’ve rejected your partner’s advances when they tried to show you affection out of the bedroom. This feeling can move your partner off of intimacy. No one wants to feel as if being intimate is a chore. Living in a sexless marriage can make your partner feel unattractive, and demotivated.

4. Resentment

Unresolved issues called resentment can make your partner pull away affectionately and emotionally. In some cases, the resentment with your partner feels unappreciated by the way you treat them. The only way to solve it is to talk openly about the relationship. If the reason for resentment is sexual then you should use kamagra.

5. Lack Of Non-Physical Intimacy

Sex isn’t the only because of intimacy in a marriage, your sex life can suffer if there is no emotional intimacy.  Failing emotionally can make it difficult to connect during physical intimacy. The need for emotional connection isn’t limited to only women men also crave emotional intimacy from their wives.

For each other carve out quality time to build emotional intimacy. Intimacy is the glue to maintain your happier bond. Lack of intimacy can cause many things. It’s important not to direct jump to conclusions and have an honest conversation with your partner without being accusatory. Take a look at your married relationship and notice if anything we discussed rings true. It may help you understand reasons why intimacy is missing and how to get back it on track. Seek a marriage counselor if your relationship is suffering from a lack of intimacy.

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