When it comes to the design of men’s shirts there is one part that needs a certain amount of attention and that is the cuffs on the end of the sleeves. Most men have hands that are considerable larger than their wrists so that means that the cuffs need to be wide enough for the hands to pass through when putting the shirt on.

However, if the cuffs were a fixed size, then they would be far too big on the wrist once the shirt is actually on, so shirts have been designed with a slit or cut up from the wrist towards the elbow so that the cuffs can open up while you put your hand through them and then you can close the cuffs afterwards so that they are not loose, flapping about, and getting in your way. 

How To Close The Cuffs?

So far so good. But how to close the cuffs? Back in the day, men used to use strings or fancy ribbons to tie the cuffs together, but then came the birth of the cufflink which performs the same function. An added benefit is that you can make the face, or outside part of the cufflink that is on show to the world, decorative, by using patterns, colours, gemstones, or a lot of other things, which will add a certain amount of panache to your overall appearance.

This is precisely what many men who choose to wear cufflinks rather than buttoned sleeves do, and the reason they do it. You immediately become better than the “average” when you stand out with a pair of smart cufflinks.

You can, and indeed should, choose different patterns or designs for different circumstances. So, for example, if you are attending a black-tie dinner or other event, you really need to wear a pair of cufflinks that are of a formal design and somewhat restrained. Or perhaps you could wear personalised silver cufflinks, for example. There are companies who design and manufacture cufflinks who will provide you with customised cufflinks, so you could perhaps have something such as a back circular face with your initials engraved on it in silver or gold. That would certainly provide you with a very distinguished look for a formal event.

Proud To Be British

However, you don’t necessarily need something as formal as that for going to the office, or if you are a salesman for your company, visiting potential customers. You could choose something that tells the world that you are proud to be British, or even closer to home, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, or American, French, Spanish, and so on. Maybe a pair of cufflinks with the Union Flag on them, which was adopted on January 1st, 1801, and so has been our flag for 222 years.

In Wikipedia it is described as “A white-fimbriated symmetric red cross on a blue field with a white-fimbriated counter-changed saltire of red and white”. So, now you know! But seriously, that would make a great design for a pair of cufflinks and would demonstrate your pride in your heritage. Not only that, but you can bet your life that people would comment on such a pair of cufflinks as well, which is a great way of getting people to talk and break the ice when you have only just met them.

You can also buy cufflinks which describe what you do for a living in some instances. For example, you can have a pair of cufflinks with an anchor on them if you are a sailor, whether in the Navy or perhaps a cruise ship. You don’t even have to be a sailor, technically, because you could be the chef on the cruise ship, but an anchor still connects you to the sea.

If you are a company director, you might like to have cufflinks with your company logo on them. Again, there are manufacturers who will produce cufflinks for you in any design that you wish, subject to a minimum order of 100, obviously. What better way to promote your business than having all your team wearing your company logo? Definitely worth considering.

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