The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai, states that in India the use of cannabis or the cannabis leaves are used in the production of medicines. It is indeed completely contrary to the whole perspective people have for the use and consumption of cannabis leaves, with the information that it is not completely banned in India. The use of cannabis is therefore allowed for the medical use and also for the scientific purpose, with a detailed subject of compliance with the laws which are applicable by the Indian government. Therefore, the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai discusses the legal use of cannabis leaves in the field of ayurvedic medicines and also in the pharmaceutical industry.

Why is the use more seen in the Ayurvedic Industry?

The marketing of medicines in India is overseen by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. However, currently there is no such pharmaceutical medicine company which contains cannabis or the leaves of cannabis  which is legally approved by the association under the above mentioned act. Thus, if any company would manufacture cannabis leaves or cannabis included medicine in India, then they indeed would require and need to follow the process of a legal clinical trial with utmost safety and efficacy. As undertaking a medical trial is highly expensive and also a time-consuming process, whereas the cultivation of cannabis in India is also quite difficult and to say the procre standard quality required the leaves and their extracts need to be of high and bearable quality.

Furthermore, the branch of medicine, Ayurveda, clearly recognizes the use of cannabis and the leaves of cannabis to be highly resourceful containing tons of nutrients and source containing important medicinal values. The department of ayurveda also states that without taking any clinical trial or a commercial launch, the department is assured that it is an obvious choice that one can legally sell and manufacture cannabis and cannabis leaves in medicine in the Indian market.

However, the manufacturer of ayurvedic medicines which contain cannabis leaves or extracts do require a caution declaration on the packaging of the products stating, ‘To be used after taking medical supervision’, specified in English and in Hindi language right in front of the label, if the medicine is for internal use. Also, as per the rules and guidelines mentioned by the ayurvedic ministry AYUSH, these medicines are considered to be sold under specified prescription availability as per the registered medical practitioner, with their legal stamp and notice. However, for them, they are not required to be labelled as ‘NRx’, as these medicines cannot be considered as narcotic drugs because of their various compositions, which are not harmful for the body.

Address: Block No.89, Yeoor Gaon, Patana Pada, Near Garwa Hotel, Yeoor Hill, Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400606

Contact Number: 9167006990

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