When it comes to children’s learning, both parents and teachers should have certain options on hand to get children excited about learning lessons. Even these children must have adequate materials to review at home.
Fortunately, there are activity and education booklets designed for all levels (preschool, elementary and high school); showing a variety of very clear, fun and simple activities.
Above all, they focus on the review of subjects such as language and mathematics, but also manage to integrate or address certain contents of other subjects, this in the case of the secondary level.
Therefore, this tool is considered a very useful resource to reinforce the learning of children and young people. Do you want to know more? Then keep reading this original post from Escuelas Mexico.

Activity booklets What are they?
Activity booklets are didactic material provided to students. They contain different activities, tasks, problems and homework, depending on their design.
Their main function is to be a support material where the contents that the student must learn are included, but they are shown in a simpler and more didactic way, unlike books.
The main objective is for the student to complete and fulfill the activities designated by the teacher during the school year. It should be noted that this booklet does not replace the plans or programs issued by the Ministry of Education.
In general, there are several types of booklets, adapted to different levels, subjects and courses that students must complete, whether they are general, for a language course or a math course, thus covering the content in a didactic manner.
Usefulness of the educational booklets
These tools are very useful, in this section we will enunciate the benefits generated by the use of the didactic booklets for primary and secondary school:
- It allows a better visualization of the student’s progress and achievements, due to the fact that it favors feedback at a general and individual level in the students.
It facilitates the teacher’s evaluation task and allows to see the students’ performance much better.
- It is a way to prevent the student from wandering away from the class, since it contains the specific information of a subject or course; in this way, a better explanation of the content is ensured.
- The education workbook also functions as a portfolio, in which you can see the student’s process and determine whether or not he/she is meeting the objectives.
- It is a way to take advantage of time in the classroom, since in the booklet the activities are already printed and only need to be completed, without the need to copy or create information, tables, etc.
- In case of loss of the booklet, there is the possibility of recovering it, as there is order in the booklet and it is done step by step, any student can take it up again.
Different types of education booklets
For preschool
This stage is one of the most important for infants between 3 and 5 years old, because they are their first steps and the basis of their knowledge.
In this educational process the first knowledge is usually imparted and complemented with a comprehensive development, in this sense a great support for these cases is using an activity booklet.
For primary school
The second most important educational period for children is the primary school stage, where students acquire most of their knowledge, which they will use in the future in their daily lives.
This stage is divided into six grades and they have been organized and designed according to the level of difficulty (first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixth grade).
However, the study booklets for each of the grades have been designed in a general way, they are composed of activities that are divided into subjects (mathematics, language, social and personal development, among others).
It should be noted that these subjects cover the content of the topics that a student may require to reinforce the knowledge acquired in preschool.
For secondary school
The third relevant period for students is the secondary stage, which means that they have successfully completed the primary stage. In secondary school, young people already have certain basic knowledge in the main subjects, which will serve as a basis for their continued training as professionals.
At this level it is essential that the student develops comprehension skills in all aspects. Likewise, the content taught is greater, so they must have the ability to solve problems, remember data, be creative, read and analyze texts, etc.
Likewise, teachers at this level are a kind of advisor who provides tutoring to students, explaining the topics and sending them homework so that they meet the parameters.
It is for this reason that it is essential for the student to have an activity booklet for secondary school with the most important topics to study.
Education booklets are of great importance in the different academic levels of children and young people. Taking into account that they are a very useful tool because they contribute to the development of learning and knowledge of students.
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